Darling Park, Sydney



A set of custom-built Digital Experiences installed at Darling Park, Sydney, NSW that includes :

  • 7 x Digital Lifts that display synchronised footage of iconic Australian Naturescapes as the lifts travel up and down.
  • 5 x large Media walls, displaying custom Tenancies, News, Weather and Messaging controlled by our CMS.
  • 1 x interactive Media Wall using a Microsoft Kinect and custom software to allow quick setup of new graphics themes for it.
  • 8 x 49" touchscreen wayfinder kiosks to allow Visitors to find their way around the site, each with detailed routing info for each tenant, and a Take-home option for People on the Go.
  • A custom CMS backend hosted in the cloud that controls the content on all of Experiences above.



Darling Park is a vibrant business precinct near Town Hall in Sydney that encompasses 3x Office towers, the Cockle Bay Wharf and a busy retail / dining community in the spaces beneath.

The owners of the site wanted Visitors and Tenants to enjoy the latest in digital technology, so they commissioned us to work with their Architect to develop a suite of unique and engaging digital installations.


I was the Executive Producer and Technical Director of the project and was deeply involved from the early pitch stage all the way through delivery.

During production, I managed the budget and inhouse design at Traffik.  I sourced and arranged all the Suppliers for the project's software and hardware needs and I was the primary client liason attending all production meetings and arranging all the film shoots, including travel and equipment hire for all crew.

I also personally built and installed the hardware for each of the lifts and motor rooms.

Primary installation finished in early 2019 and since then, I've entered my 5th year as sole maintenance contractor responsible for all ongoing maintenance for the site's digital assets, and for the delivery of new assets including:

  • 2x new Media Walls into the Tower 1 foyer,
  • a Kinect-based Interactive Experience for the Tower 3 media wall,
  • 2x new Tenancy directories onto Level 22,
  • and a new digital lift experience into Tower 1 low rise. (Lift A)



  • 19 x PCs onsite managed by our CMS.
  • 44 x large (65+ inch) LCD monitors installed and operational 24/7.
  • Wayfinding, advertising and messaging for 45+ tenants managed by our CMS.
  • 7x digital lift experiences in Tower 2 and Tower 1, each with 4 x 65" screens, motion sensors and 1x high-spec PC, stereo audio system and a backup UPS.
  • Lift films were shot at 8k res at 120fps at 6x remote locations across Australia including
    1. King's Canyon, NT
    2. Waterfall Way, NSW
    3. Lord Howe Island, NSW
    4. Devil's Kitchen, TAS
    5. Cape Pillar, TAS
    6. Govett's Leap, NSW



ARCHITECT Davenport Campbell
DESIGN Traffik
James Neale
FILMING Frost Films



On site and live

Work in Progress

Technology used onsite



Below is a sample video of the interactive wall I built for Tower 3 media wall. The wall uses a Microsoft Kinect to detect people's body movement then the software displays their motions on screen with a liquid-like interaction. The software can be configured with a web CMS to have any liquid colour, any falling item (shown below are daisies) and any background as required.

We create interactive themes for all sorts of events during the year and there are now 14 unique themes available to use at any time. The software CMS has scheduling built-in so interactive experiences can be scheduled to appear at certain times of the day.